OLA Bamboo
Business Name: OLA Bamboo
Ships From: Quebec
Products Include: Bamboo toothbrushes, kitchen utensils, and eco-friendly items for home and personal use. They also carry products like cleaning tablets and natural deodorant.
Learn more about OLA Bamboo in our interview below.
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When did you start your business and what was the inspiration to start OLA Bamboo?
We start OLA Bamboo in September 2016. We wanted to offer a great bamboo toothbrush, from a Canadian Business, in 100% cardboard box. Our goal was to reduce plastic waste and to democratize the eco-friendly bamboo toothbrush.
What’s the biggest goal you’re trying to achieve with your business?
We are the only one to manufacture toothbrushes in Canada. It’s a big achievement and our goal is to spread to word! Now, we manufacture, here in Canada (Drummondville, Quebec) our bamboo toothbrushes, but we also created the OLA Cycle toothbrush that is made in red maple wood within circular economy, from guitar scraps!
What’s your most fulfilling and enjoyable experience as a business owner so far?
When we realized that it’s not just our family and friends that are using our products! Haha! It was only some days after the creation of OLA Bamboo, and we were amazed!
What’s your favourite ‘must-have’ product from your shop that you enjoy using/wearing the most?
OLA Bamboo VP Vicky Jodry: Difficult question! I have to say our ultrasoft bamboo toothbrush! But I cannot not mention our Natural Deodorant – Cucumber and Aloe Vera; I LOVE it!
What’s your best seller and why do you think it’s so popular?
Our OLA Bamboo toothbrushes! They are so popular because they are great toothbrushes: compostable handle, compact head, 3 types of bristles (ultrasoft, soft or medium)
Our leitmotiv is: Keep it simple! Choose an OLA Bamboo toothbrush won’t change the way you brush your teeth… but it can make a big difference for the planet. It’s a simple change to do, so it’s easy to keep going. That is why people love our toothbrushes and keep using them.
What’s your biggest piece of advice for fellow business owners?
OLA Bamboo President, Jean-Philippe Bergeron, always says: “My biggest piece of advice is: Don’t follow the advice of other business owners! Because what’s good for one’s business is not necessarily good for yours. Follow your instinct. Believe in your idea and in yourself.”
Do you have any favourite business books or podcasts?
OLA Bamboo President, Jean-Philippe Bergeron, wanted to share his: He really like self-made man stories and his favorite is that of Pierre-Esprit Radisson. The book “Bush Runner – The Adventures of Pierre-Esprit Radisson” still inspires him years after he read it. It’s not a business book, since Radisson was a bush runner, but you can apply his courage and perseverance to your own story and business.
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